In this politically driven hell hole of a country everything is intertwining. We are reaching a tipping point to where you truly must choose. Either you are going to choose to ignore what’s going on because it makes you feel better, or you are going to wake up and understand something has to be done.
Everyone was up in arms at the beginning of the Trump presidency with his implementation of the Travel bans from certain Muslim countries. The bans put in place made very little sense and with everyone knowing the sentiment of the previous administration the bans were seen and reported on by the majority of the media as racist.
Why is it that Joe Biden can implement a ban that is even more targeted and hurtful, specifically to African people and countries, and no one bats an eye?
Joe’s implemented travel ban from South African countries after the discovery of Omicron variant was not based in any science. Its widely known now that the variant is already present in the United States. Scientist in South Africa identified the variant, but we know it was present in Europe first. Why no bans on travel from European countries? Initially we were told the bans were put in place to provide us with time, a buffer to prepare before widespread transmission. So why right now at this moment does the United States still have a travel ban in place for South African countries? Even after we have learned of this variants true origins, its spread in the United States and that this variant is not causing more severe symptoms or disease. When comparing the two travel bans which one is more racist? lol
Why has Joe not reversed course on the bans even after this information was made clear? Why are we not holding him accountable and calling out his policies for what they are? Just as simply as this ban was put in place it could be removed, but the choice is actively being made to leave it in place. Why Joe?? Even when it is easy, even when it is clear what the right thing to do, our elected officials on both sides of the political isle move in a way that makes clear to me that Black people are at the bottom of the totem pole. The disrespect is so blatant.
This reminds me of the Haitian immigrants on the border. We saw that man on that horse, and that is the last we heard. Come to find out good ole Joe is doing the exact same thing Trump was doing at the border, breaking the promise of the constitution, and sending people seeking asylum right back home. When does it end???
The anything but Trump crowd voted against racism and bigotry but seem to be blind to the racism that is blatantly being displayed by the current administration. Why do we not keep the same energy? Why does this President get a pass and the other one does not?
Is it cause he’s nice about it?
I just ask for consistency. If we are going to be mad at a ban that included many Muslim countries without any real merit, then we should be equally as mad at a ban that includes nothing BUT African countries that has been widely citizen even internationally by the UN.
New day, same bullshit. *Insert American flag emoji*